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Route 66 kitsch

0 In The Route 66 Steal

Missouri Run is Slow Going

A delightful painted fire hydrant in Sullivan, MO.

I received a very nice message from a reader the other day, asking when the next book in The Route 66 Steal series is coming out. First of all, thank you for reading The Illinois Caper and your interest in reading more!

But I have to confess that I’m relatively new at this–The Illinois Caper is only my third novel, and it is the first in a series. Now, wiser writers would (and probably did) advise me against tackling a series so soon in my writing efforts, or at least attempt a series of fewer than eight books. But frankly, part of the reason I started writing fiction was that I wanted a challenge. I like painting myself into a corner and seeing if I can figure out how to get out of it.

Of course, what this means, is that sometimes it takes a while waiting for the paint to dry so I can get out of that corner.

The Curse of the second book in the series…

For years I’ve watched my friend, Devon Monk–superb writer of urban fantasy–create successful series. So I knew all about the (cue spooky music) “curse of the second book in the series.” My second book in The Route 66 Steal, The Missouri Run, has not been a disappointment in that department. It’s been a challenge to keep Kat and Tish on the road and the story moving without hitting too many detours or potholes.

However, fingers are crossed that I’ve solved that puzzle and that things will move on more quickly from here.

In the meantime, I invite you to try one of my other books.

There’s Trust Not the Heart, in which Cassie Franklin wrestles with her unruly heart as she fights to save her business by reinventing her work as a custom jeweler, all while fending off a devious realtor trying to take her store’s prime location.

In Dangerous Visions, Stacie Capella struggles with her unwanted family legacy of second sight which has, in the past, destroyed friendships and romances and threatens to do it again, yet is also warning her that the stalker tracking her is very dangerous and even deadly.

Both are available in eBook and trade paperback, online, via your neighborhood independent bookseller, and even, by request, at your public library!

Thank you again to all my readers for their patience and support. A final note to any of you interested in subscribing to my newsletter, as a thank you, you’ll get a free download of a short story, just for you. (Large heart emoji here.)
