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caper series

6 In Caper Series/ The Route 66 Steal

My New Book, The Illinois Caper, is HERE!

Kat and Tish are finally on the Road!

While it’s taken longer than planned–blame the broken wrist!–in The Illinois Caper, book one of The Route 66 Steal, Kat and Tish are finally on the Mother Road, Route 66, and heading to California.

In The Illinois Caper, Kat Merevec and Tish O’Donnell, “middle aged and mostly respectable,” steal a fortune, fight over underwear, dust off talents long-forgotten, learn just how fast they can cover a half mile on foot, and forge a tentative friendship.

Back in Evanston, ratfink Fitz O’Donnell is trying to get himself out of the mess he’s made–and only digging in deeper.

How will this all work out?

The Illinois Caper is available NOW on Kindle, Nook, and Kobo readers, and at iBooks.

Prefer the sound of rustling pages? You can support your local independent bookseller by having them special order a copy for you. Or, online, buy from where sales benefit independent bookstores. Amazon, too, offers a paper version.