Always Ahead of Us
It’s probably time to introduce our silent dashboard companions: Maggie Moose, who has been with me since Yellowstone many years ago. She was my only companion on the drive from Salem to Chicago. We had many long discussions, the kind of deep philosophical rants that you can only have on a solo road trip with a completely non-judgmental (and silent) travel companion.
Prudence, the wacky looking duck (because older travelers should travel with prudence–don’t look at me, this one is Dash’s) flew in with Dash. Patience the Pig, who reminds us that road trips are not all smooth sailing, and Gusto, because one should always travel with Gusto, we can also blame on Dash. We also have on hand Dot, which is what we’ve christened our Google map function. (Frighteningly, we’re beginning to talk to her…)
And Jerry…
Finally, there is Jerry, who at least is real and living in Oklahoma. Jerry McClanahan (in conjunction with the National Historic Route 66 Federation) is the author of the EZ 66 Guide for Travelers, and he has led us through twists and turns, step by step along the Route. He’s an amazing guide, and if you ever decide to drive the Route, I strongly recommend taking Jerry along.
Now if I can just stop Dash from looking for Ethyl…
Lori Murphy Cole
June 16, 2022 at 3:40 pmThis is hysterical!
Sharon Thompson
June 16, 2022 at 3:59 pmYou should have heard the discussions Maggie and I had if you want hysterical! Though frankly, I think she slept through most of the discussions. And I could never trust her behind the wheel. Liz
June 16, 2022 at 3:51 pmFun. I will have to purchase a silent travel companion for my trip back to the desert in October.
Sharon Thompson
June 16, 2022 at 3:58 pmOh, absolutely Claudia! The sillier the better. Liz