1 In Liz Writes/ The Route 66 Steal

Road Trip Summer Reading: The Illinois Caper

It was supposed to be a simple heist. But it became The Illinois Caper!

Tish O’Donnell and Kat Merevec just want a little payback when Tish’s philandering husband, Fitz, announces he’s leaving her and firing Kat. But their late-night heist gives the more than they bargained for. Now, in between some Mother Road sightseeing, they’re on the run from the police, a murderous fence, and a couple of Route 66 vintage car groupies who keep popping up everywhere.

Hitch a ride in the backseat of Tish’s 1957, yellow and white two-tone Buick convertible, as the two women negotiate the twists and turns of Route 66 while forging an uneasy partnership-in-crime.

Looking for a fast, light read to pack on your summer road trip?

The Illinois Caper is what you’re looking for!

The Illinois Caper is available NOW on Kindle, Nook, and Kobo readers, and at iBooks.

Prefer the sound of rustling pages? You can support your local independent bookseller by having them special order a copy for you. Or, online, buy from Bookshop.org where sales benefit independent bookstores. Amazon, too, offers a paper version.

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    May 31, 2023 at 7:41 am

    Received the password yet cannot find where to use it.

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