Drive or Rent?
One of the first decisions my traveling companion, Dash, and I made when we discussed driving Route 66 was take a car or rent one in Chicago. Taking a car won. But that meant ferrying the car across 2000+ miles from Oregon to Chicago. Dash was committed elsewhere, so that meant a long drive with me talking to myself. (Books on tape are too distracting especially in Montana mountains during a downpour.)
Along the way there was incredible scenery…
But there were consolations. One large one being…Montana.
Yes, I was assured by residents that I was seeing Montana at its best–freshly watered and green. But jiminy. Mile after mile of gorgeous mountains, valleys, rivers and that famous “big sky” was almost more than I could absorb. And who would have thought that any state could harbor a bird as exotic looking as the black-billed magpie with its extraordinary long tail. (The photo at the Lyric Bird Food website is superb.)
And massive sculptures…
North Dakota can’t help but know that, for those of us driving in from the west, Montana is a tough act to follow. So sculptor Gary Greff came up with the Enchanted Highway–thirty two miles of gigantic welded metal sculptures. Worth the detour.
After 1500 miles of easy but very looong driving, I took a welcome break in Fargo (yes, Fargo) where the tendency to giant sculptures continues with a large wooden chair just crying out for a selfie. I resisted.
Then time to move on to the source of the Nile, so to speak, the head of Route 66, and time to get this show, as they say, on the road.
And P.S. for newsletter subscribers…
For those newsletter subscribers following the adventures of Kat and Tish, the second chapter of The Illinois Caper, in The Route 66 Steal series, has been posted today.